Featured in:
NY Times Style Magazine
Bon Appetite
Domino Magazine
Sight Unseen
Architectural Digest: Clever
Featured in The New York Times Style Magazine "The T List: Holiday Gift Guide, Part II"
Anyone who lived through the ’80s will remember the amusingly named husband pillow, a cushion that peaked in that decade and whose protruding arms provide support for reading (and working) in bed or lounging on the floor. The New York-based textile designer Christin Ripley’s Klismos pillow, an updated version of the backrest in an of-the-moment marbled print, is perhaps the perfect gift in a year when many of us are spending more time at home. For comfort while vertical, though, I recommend another reimagined classic, Sleeper’s shearling slippers. Slim, square-toed and available in colors including rose pink, bright orange and lemon yellow, they’re more fashionable than their L.L. Bean or Ugg counterparts, but just as warm and fuzzy.
Featured in "The 2020 Sight Unseen Gift Guide, Part II"
Featured in Fall 2018 Domino Magazine. "You've Never Seen Pillow Art Like This" Written by Molly Rosen Guy
Featured in February 2019 issue of Bon Appetit Magazine with Likemindedobects & Lil' Deb's Oasis. Written by Elyse Inamine
Featured in January 2019 Architectural Digest: Clever. Written by Emma Orlow
Mentioned in NY Times Style Magazine Aug 19, 2018 In Store; Offbeat For Sale Likemindedobject & Enkyu Shop Hudson, NY. Written by Alive Newell-Hanson
Featured in Brand Assembly: Favorite Things 2019-2020 Trade Show Tour
Interview by Hudson River Exchange for June 8, 2018 Newsletter